I am so glad that the weather is warming up. Since it was so nice out this weekend I decided to clean up and re-pot the plants on my frontRead More
Author: Paige
Simple cleaners: do more with less
When we took our trip to Memphis for the fencing tournament, I knew I would be doing a load or two of laundry, so I brought a plastic bag withRead More
Grow something!
Last spring was our first try at growing edible plants. Since we live in a rental, we are growing in containers in lieu of a garden. On the the frontRead More
Patch it, glue it, make it last.
Small repairs help extend the life of the things we already have and keep household expenses down. I have a stash of buttons to replace any that get lost, andRead More
Track your spending
If you are having trouble making ends meet, it helps a lot to know where your money is being spent so you can make good decisions about where to cutRead More
Low-Fat Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies – made with beans
These cookies are filling, and so yummy!There is no “bean” taste, and no weird aftertaste, just delicious cookie goodness. ½ cup cooked white beans, pureed or smashed1 cup light brownRead More
Buy in bulk: a little work saves a lot of money!
You can save a lot of money if you buy meat in bulk, and then split it up into recipe sized portions. Then you only have to thaw out whatRead More
Fun birthday cakes for cheap
I have had plenty of grocery store and bakery cakes, but I really prefer to make one at home. However, I’m not going to make one from scratch if I’mRead More
Read the Label: Know What You Are Eating
Happy New Year!! We look at the New Year as a time to make positive changes in our lives and find ways to be happier and healthier, but where doRead More
My super cheap and low-fat secret!
I found a great secret to low-fat, satisfying meals and snacks – beans! If I hadn’t told them, my family would never know. I made delicious chocolate chip pecan cookiesRead More
Teen boy birthday party for cheap
I had a crisis on my hands recently. My son was turning 15, and throwing a “video game party” was not an option. We had a ban on video gamesRead More
Uses for old jeans
Don’t throw your old jeans in the trash. There are just too many things you can do with them. When I get a pair of jeans for my fabric stash,Read More